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Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8] (Introduced 01/07/2003)


Summary: H.R.147 [108th]

There is one summary of the bill.Shown Here:
Introduced in House (01/07/2003) $('#summarySelector').tnt_dropDownNavigation({"stubUrl":"\/bill\/108th-congress\/house-bill\/147\/","stubName":"summary"}); Artists' Estate Tax Fairness Act - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to permit the exclusion from the gross estate the value of each qualified work of artistic property held by the decedent at the time of death, if the decedent created such property. Requires the decedent to have held at least 50 qualified works at the time of death. Defines "qualified artistic property."

Major Actions:

Major Actions: H.R.147 [108th]

Major actions identify stages that condense detailed legislative actions. Refine your search

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Sort By Newest to OldestOldest to Newest Go Date Major Action 01/07/2003 Introduced in House Refine By | learn more

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House [1] Show more $('#facetbox_0').tnt_facetbox({ startClosed: false, startExpanded: false }); $('#sortform').tnt_dropDownNavigation({"stubUrl":"\/bill\/108th-congress\/house-bill\/147\/actions?","stubName":"","dropDownDelimiter":"&pageSort="});


Amendments: H.R.147 [108th]

No amendment information was received for H.R.147 - Artists' Estate Tax Fairness Act.


Cosponsors: H.R.147 [108th]

No cosponsor information was received for H.R.147. $('#sortform').tnt_dropDownNavigation({"stubUrl":"\/bill\/108th-congress\/house-bill\/147\/cosponsors?&","stubName":"","dropDownDelimiter":"pageSort="});

Search Bills

Browse Bills

93rd (26222)
94th (23756)
95th (21548)
96th (14332)
97th (20134)
98th (19990)
99th (15984)
100th (15557)
101st (15547)
102nd (16113)
103rd (13166)
104th (11290)
105th (11312)
106th (13919)
113th (9767)
112th (15911)
111th (19293)
110th (7009)
109th (19491)
108th (15530)
107th (16380)



Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8] (Introduced 01/07/2003)


Summary: H.R.147 [108th]

There is one summary of the bill.Shown Here:
Introduced in House (01/07/2003) $('#summarySelector').tnt_dropDownNavigation({"stubUrl":"\/bill\/108th-congress\/house-bill\/147\/","stubName":"summary"}); Artists' Estate Tax Fairness Act - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to permit the exclusion from the gross estate the value of each qualified work of artistic property held by the decedent at the time of death, if the decedent created such property. Requires the decedent to have held at least 50 qualified works at the time of death. Defines "qualified artistic property."

Major Actions:

Major Actions: H.R.147 [108th]

Major actions identify stages that condense detailed legislative actions. Refine your search

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Sort By Newest to OldestOldest to Newest Go Date Major Action 01/07/2003 Introduced in House Refine By | learn more

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House [1] Show more $('#facetbox_0').tnt_facetbox({ startClosed: false, startExpanded: false }); $('#sortform').tnt_dropDownNavigation({"stubUrl":"\/bill\/108th-congress\/house-bill\/147\/actions?","stubName":"","dropDownDelimiter":"&pageSort="});


Amendments: H.R.147 [108th]

No amendment information was received for H.R.147 - Artists' Estate Tax Fairness Act.


Cosponsors: H.R.147 [108th]

No cosponsor information was received for H.R.147. $('#sortform').tnt_dropDownNavigation({"stubUrl":"\/bill\/108th-congress\/house-bill\/147\/cosponsors?&","stubName":"","dropDownDelimiter":"pageSort="});


Search Bills



Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY-8] (Introduced 01/07/2003)


Summary: H.R.147 [108th]

There is one summary of the bill.Shown Here:
Introduced in House (01/07/2003) $('#summarySelector').tnt_dropDownNavigation({"stubUrl":"\/bill\/108th-congress\/house-bill\/147\/","stubName":"summary"}); Artists' Estate Tax Fairness Act - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to permit the exclusion from the gross estate the value of each qualified work of artistic property held by the decedent at the time of death, if the decedent created such property. Requires the decedent to have held at least 50 qualified works at the time of death. Defines "qualified artistic property."

Major Actions:

Major Actions: H.R.147 [108th]

Major actions identify stages that condense detailed legislative actions. Refine your search

Refined by:

Sort By Newest to OldestOldest to Newest Go Date Major Action 01/07/2003 Introduced in House Refine By | learn more

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House [1] Show more $('#facetbox_0').tnt_facetbox({ startClosed: false, startExpanded: false }); $('#sortform').tnt_dropDownNavigation({"stubUrl":"\/bill\/108th-congress\/house-bill\/147\/actions?","stubName":"","dropDownDelimiter":"&pageSort="});


Amendments: H.R.147 [108th]

No amendment information was received for H.R.147 - Artists' Estate Tax Fairness Act.


Cosponsors: H.R.147 [108th]

No cosponsor information was received for H.R.147. $('#sortform').tnt_dropDownNavigation({"stubUrl":"\/bill\/108th-congress\/house-bill\/147\/cosponsors?&","stubName":"","dropDownDelimiter":"pageSort="});